Dadumonaraya of Ravana

Did Ravana Really Fly?

Sri Lanka is the proud home of King Ravana, who lived in Sri Lanka and reign the island from 2554 to 2517 BC, However, when Ravana exactly lived is a secret for historians. Ramayana is one of the most popular fictitious epics written by Valmiki, which narrate about mighty King Ravana, the Ramayana is written in the Sanskrit language.

Dadumonaraya” the word echoes in the air for many decades, which is the flying machine of Sri Lankan mighty King Ravana. We hear various stories about Dadumonaraya, underground tunnel network, Sita Amman temple, Ashoka Vatika all are attributed to the kingdom of Ravana. We have heard about Dandumonaraya since our childhood, but never seen its original machine or touched it. However, As Sri Lankan, we have an idea of how it looked like because we see paintings in many places in Sri Lanka that depicts Ravana’s mysterious flying machine.

Dandumonaraya had been

Did Ravana really fly? Is a question to be answered. A large number of people are very curious about this sophisticated flying machine and a large number of people awaits concrete evidence to prove that there had been flying machine in Sri Lanka during the rule of King Ravana. 

The government of Sri Lanka recently published an advertisement requesting the people to share the evidence of King Ravana and his mysterious flying machine, if they have any.  It seems like the government of Sri Lanka is venturing on in-depth research on King Ravana. It will be an archaeological breakthrough and it will definitely shake the history of Sri Lanka if they are able to find trustworthy facts about the existence of Ravana in the past.  Still, King Ravana is a mythical king, he is known to the people around the world due to his treachery against Rama.

King Ravana is described as a demon by Hindus, especially Hindus in Indian but for most Sri Lankan Ravana was a mighty God. He had committed a crime by abducting Sita but he never committed wrongdoing. Some people are venerating Ravana at their houses. 

If Ravana had invented Dandumonaraya, the flying machine, undoubtedly, he become the pioneering aviator for the entire world. According to most Sri Lankan Ravana invented the first-ever flying machine in the world, well over 500 years back. Therefore, the civil aviation authority of Sri Lanka has started the daring effort to find credible facts about the machine and extract the know-how of the Ravana’s flying machine.

The bits and pieces of Ravans’s ancient kingdom are discovered in many parts of Sri Lanka. Most of them believed to be in Sri Lanka’s hill country near the resort of Nuwara Eliya. The iconic tourist attraction of Sigiriya also believed to be a place that was part of the underground tunnel of Ravana. Whatever the facts related to Ravana is still mythical, there had not been any scientific research about the Ravana’s Kingdom.  However, it is good to know that a government institutional had decided to carry out scientific research on the facts that we believe mythical.

Most people are still not able to make any prediction pertaining to the result of the research, however, Civil Aviation Authority former vice-chairman Shashi Danatunge had said to news 18, that they had irrefutable facts to prove that Ravana was the pioneer and the first to fly using an aircraft.

Further to news 18, Mr Shashi Had said “King Ravana was a genius. He was the first person to fly. He was an aviator. This is not mythology; it’s a fact. There needs to be detailed research on this. In the next five years, we will prove this,” he said.

In 2019 a conference was held at the Bandaranayke international airport with the participation of civil aviation experts, archaeologists, historians, scientists and geologists, which was mainly focusing on Ramayana. The participants of the conference had concluded the conference with the opinion that King Ravana flew to India from Sri Lanka about 5000 years back.

However, the fact that claims that Ravana had kidnapped Sita were dismissed. Even though Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, according to the Ramayana version of India, it was not mentioned in the Sri Lankan folklore.  

There was a huge interest about Ramayana among the local people as well many Indian Hindu devotees. During the last few years, the interest in Ramayana among the travellers further increased and more and more Indian travellers are visiting Sri Lanka to see the places pertaining to Ramayana.

Sri Lankans believe that Ravana was a valiant King and a scholar. According to some Indian literature, Ravana was the “Maha Brahmana”, which means a great Brahmin or a great scholar.,He%20was%20an%20aviator.

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